oracle audit

Oracle License Audit Process

Oracle License Audit Process

  • Audit Notification: Oracle sends an email outlining the audit scope and initial requests.
  • Kick-off Meeting: Discusses audit details, scope, and expectations.
  • Data Sharing and LMS Scripts: Run scripts to collect and share software usage data with Oracle.
  • Audit Report: Oracle provides a report detailing findings and compliance issues.
  • Responding to Report: Review, negotiate and resolve any identified issues.

Oracle Audit Notification

Oracle Audit Notification

When Oracle initiates an audit, it sends an official email notification that outlines the scope of the audit, initial requests for information, and key deadlines.

It’s crucial to review this notification thoroughly and start preparing immediately.

Audit Kick-off Meeting

This meeting is a critical first step in the audit process. During the kick-off meeting, Oracle’s audit team will explain the audit process, clarify the scope, and set expectations. Key aspects include:

  • Introductions: Meeting the Oracle audit team.
  • Audit Scope: Detailed explanation of what will be reviewed.
  • Data Collection Plan: Discuss the required data and tools, such as LMS scripts.
  • Timeline: Establishing key milestones and deadlines.

Data Sharing and LMS Scripts

Oracle will request that you run specific LMS (License Management Services) scripts. These scripts collect data on your software usage, which Oracle uses to assess compliance. Key steps in this phase include:

  • Script Execution: Running the LMS scripts as per Oracle’s instructions.
  • Data Collection: Accurately collecting data on Oracle software usage.
  • Data Submission: Securely share the collected data with Oracle for analysis.

Oracle Audit Report

Oracle Audit Report

Once Oracle analyzes the data, it will provide an audit report. This report details their findings and identifies any compliance issues.

The audit report typically includes:

  • Summary of Findings: An overview of compliance status and any discrepancies.
  • Usage Analysis: Detailed analysis comparing actual usage against licensed entitlements.
  • Recommendations: Oracle’s suggestions for resolving non-compliance issues may involve purchasing additional licenses or making configuration changes.

Responding to the Audit Report

After receiving the audit report, reviewing it carefully and addressing any identified issues is essential.

This phase involves:

  • Analyzing Findings: Thoroughly examining Oracle’s findings for accuracy.
  • Negotiation: Engaging with Oracle to discuss and negotiate any disputed points.
  • Resolution: Taking corrective actions such as purchasing additional licenses or adjusting software usage to ensure compliance.

Understanding and managing each Oracle license audit process step is crucial for minimizing disruptions and avoiding penalties.

Proper preparation, effective communication, and a strategic approach can help navigate the complexities of Oracle audits successfully.|| Oracle License Audit Process|Oracle-Audit-Notification|Oracle-Audit-Report || oracle audit Fredrik Filipsson Fredrik Filipsson 2024-05-15 20:17:27 oracle-license-audit-process


  • Fredrik Filipsson

    Fredrik Filipsson brings two decades of Oracle license management experience, including a nine-year tenure at Oracle and 11 years in Oracle license consulting. His expertise extends across leading IT corporations like IBM, enriching his profile with a broad spectrum of software and cloud projects. Filipsson's proficiency encompasses IBM, SAP, Microsoft, and Salesforce platforms, alongside significant involvement in Microsoft Copilot and AI initiatives, improving organizational efficiency.

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